Thanks for purchasing Curation Tab Stickers for your Curation 2022 Diary.
We've recently discovered a minor issue with the gold foil placement on the tabs. Some of the text on the tabs are not completely centred.
Please check the gold foiling text on your tab stickers are centred before installing them. If they are printed off-centre, you are eligible for a full refund on the tab stickers.
Regrettably, this is not an issue we can resolve with a replacement as many have been printed this way. It's also difficult to detect the fault until the stickers are removed from each sticker sheet.
As such, if this issue affects your tab stickers, please email us at with your order number and a photo of the tabs.
We will process a 100% refund on the Tab Stickers. There is no need for you to send the stickers back to us.
As many of you may know, this is the first time we've produced tab stickers for Curation. The stickers were produced by a new supplier of which we had not previously worked with before.
Regrettably, small faults such as these are common in version one of any product. We're working with our supplier to improve this product.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding.
Alex and Tom
Founders of Saint Belford