Free shipping to AU & NZ on orders $59+


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Orders ship in 1-2 business days from our warehouse in Geelong or Southern California in the US.

You’ll receive your order tracking once your order has shipped.

Costs are calculated at checkout based on the weight and final destination of the order.

Regrettably we don’t accept returns or exchanges on wholesale purchases.

If a customer has returned to your store due to a faulty item, please issue an exchange (if possible) or refund.

Email wholesale (at) with a photo of the faulty item, and we’ll refund you the amount purchased.

If you’re an online retailer or a customer has contacted you from outside your store, please advise them to contact wholesale (at) with their receipt (from your store) and a photo of the faulty item.

We can replace the item from our end. If you prefer, we can post you the item to you for exchange.

Yes, you can run your own promotions and discounts with a one conditions:

Curation Dated Planners should not discount by more than 20% before December 31.

If needed, they can be discounted further after January 1.

Yes you can.

Retailers new to Faire will get $100 off their first order, 1 year of free shipping and a buy now, pay 60 days later offer.